Ingescape, une suite logicielle unique
pour l'Ingénierie Système
l'Interopérabilité Logicielle
et l'Intégration Humain-Système
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Web & cloud inclus
Cœur open source + Outils professionnels
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Intro 1 – Distributed architectures and the cloud with Ingescape [EN|FR]
French version The Ingescape open source software library makes it possible to set up industrial and operational information systems around heterogeneous software using any programming language and any operating system. These software involving Ingescape are called agents and…
Intro 2 – Software Buses and Data Flows with Ingescape [EN|FR]
French version Ingescape offers a model of distributed communication between software allowing on the one hand service calls and on the other hand a circulation of information flows between software, whatever their programming language and the operating system on…
Intro 3 – Request/reply and services with Ingescape [EN|FR]
French version The issue of the interoperability in computer systems appeared at the same time as the first client/server architectures and has since continued to evolve around the notions of requests and responses (request/reply), as well as remote function…